Sunday, May 3, 2020

More niece PJs!

Apparently I forgot to blog these, because both pairs of PJs were finished within a day of each other and mailed off in time for me to get pics of my niece hunting for Easter eggs in her back yard wearing this very pair of PJs! 

The purple isn't as dark as it looks in the photo. The boots flannel was purchased from JAF on a flannel sale sometime in 2018 - maybe Black Friday? - as I recall. I think I had cut out the first set but not actually sewn them when I bought the new flannel, because I was that sure she'd like it, but by the time I finally finished the first set, she needed the next size up in pants. So I decided that I would use a solid for the sleeves and ruffles (just like the bug set, but in that case, I had no choice because it was deep stash). My best options were purple or green, so it came down to which ribbon trim went best, then use the other color for the sleeves/ruffles. ;) Yep, that's really how I pick these things sometimes.

I would say that while the ribbon trim doesn't add a ton, it does give some visual interest to the tops, as well as making it easy to tell front from back. I may experiment with lace or ruffles, but honestly, I think the fabric print is the main attraction, and I want these to be comfy and fun. This is size M again.

I may go for another pair or two this fall. Maybe my serger will behave better for the ruffles, and I won't have to do them with zigzag over thick crochet thread to gather the ruffles. That is the WORST!

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