Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Twirly skirts!

Just a boy mom, drowning in ruffles.....

So since my serger was behaving and helping me make fantastic ruffles for the twirly dresses, I decided that I should finally bust out some twirly summer skirts I'd cut for my niece last year, before putting them in time-out because the serger was being a pain. After all, I didn't want her to outgrow them before she wore them!  And these really are perfect for summer.

I've made quite a few Rachel skirts for my niece, though I haven't blogged them all. These were cut out in a size 8. (Fortunately, I record details when I cut them, because it's been a year! I wouldn't have remembered.) I used to use buttonhole elastic on her skirts, but these ones just use regular elastic. I figure she'll outgrow them before the expandable elastic would have been super helpful. And of course, her doll needed matching skirts!

My favorite - I'm not really a paisley person, but this print is super cute. And I love the teal and fuschia.

I thought the orange dots were fun.

Love the strawberries and bicycles in this main print! I thought the whole thing was super summery.
As usual, the fabrics are from JAF's tutti fruitti line. I love that weight for summery twirly skirts, especially since I double the hem ruffles to avoid hemming miles of ruffles. And they have such bright fun prints!

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